Diablo 3 act 2 quests
Diablo 3 act 2 quests

diablo 3 act 2 quests

  • Betrayer of the Horadrim - Retrieve the disembodied head of the dark Horadrim Zoltun Kulle to learn the secret of the Black Soulstone.
  • Leah's mother Adria is alive, but she is being held in the sewers of Caldeum by agents of Belial. Show the emperor that he is surrounded by deceit and lies.
  • A Royal Audience - Demons hide in plain sight under the guise of Caldeum's Imperial Guard.
  • City of Blood - Alcarnus has fallen to the Coven, its streets running red with the blood of its citizens.
  • Take the pass that leads through the Khasim Outpost.

    diablo 3 act 2 quests

    The Road to Alcarnus - The Coven has blocked all roads to Alcarnus.Shadows in the Desert - Maghda's coven terrorizes the Borderlands around the great city of Caldeum.2.3 The West: The Reawakening of Zoltun Kulle.

    Diablo 3 act 2 quests